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90 Day Autoimmune Paleo

This program is designed for those with autoimmune issues, Hashimoto's, fibromyalgia, or mystery symptoms, to give them the nutritional support they need to allow their body to heal and function better. The focus is first eliminating any stressor foods in order to "deflame" your body and getting more nutrients from real food. After 30 days of cleaning up your nutrition, we will add in some personalized supplement recommendations. We're working together for 90 days because for you to have enough time to start healing noticing big changes in how you feel every day, and because 90 days is enough time to make this program a part of your lifestyle so you have the best possible chance of continued success over time.


Program includes:

4 tele-coaching sessions (20-30 minutes) and personal support from me throughout 90 days.

90 Days of tracking your nutrition and lifestyle changes with me through the Well World app.

Grocery list & recipes you can make without a ton of expensive ingredients.

Customized supplement package to reduce body inflammation and support immune function.


$865.00 including the cost of customized nutritional supplements.

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